Thursday, July 22, 2021

I Think You Should Leave Season 2 Sketches Ranked

Season 2 of Netflix's cult favorite sketch comedy series I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson finally arrived on July 6th after a COVID-induced production delay and unsurprisingly considering the strength of the previous season, it proved to be worth the wait. After spending a couple weeks watching and reflecting on this round of demented, oddball comedic genius from Robinson and his writing team , I'm now in a place where I'm comfortable enough to offer up an initial ranking of all 24 sketches. Here's the criteria I used to rank them:


2.Degree of absurdity present and how well the performers sold it. 

3.The amount of weird, dark or completely unexpected turns they make from start to finish.

4(Most important) Whether or not they caused me to cry and/or experience physical pain from laughing so hard.

It does need to be noted that this list is being composed after only a few viewings. Given how much subsequent rewatches can reveal new layers within the sketches or just make certain jokes click that may not have in the past, this list could undergo significant changes in both the near and distant future like my rankings of the 1st season's sketches have. Now, sit back and enjoy the list, and be sure to direct any hate mail to the fine people at Corncob TV.

24.Credit Card Roulette (Episode 5)

23.Jamie Taco (Episode 4)

22.Huge Dumps (Episode 6)

21.Little Buff Boys (Episodes 1 and 5)

20.Diner Friend (Episode 2)

19.Stable of Stars (Episode 5)

18.Whole Different Guy (Episode 4)

17.Parking Lot Driving (Episode 5)

16.Space Restaurant (Episode 5)

15.You Can't Skip Lunch/Carber Hot Dog Vacuum (Episodes 1 and 3)

14.Detective Crashmore (Episode 3)

13.Professor Yurabay (Episode 3)

12.Claire's (Episode 6)

11.Karl Havoc (Episode 1)

10.Dan Flashes (Episode 2)

9.The Capital Room (Episode 2)

8.The Big Wave (Episode 6)

7.Ghost Tour (Episode 1)

6.Calico Cut Pants (Episode 4)

5.Driver's Ed (Episode 6)

4.Tammy Craps (Episode 6)

3.Sloppy Steaks (Episode 2)

2.Corncob TV (Episode 1)

1.Insider Trading (Episode 3)

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