Thursday, January 31, 2013

Album Review: Hatebreed-The Divinity of Purpose

Hatebreed has been assaulting audiences with their brand of passionate metallic hardcore for well over a decade now. Their latest record, The Divinity of Purpose, shows that Hatebreed isn't showing any signs of slowing down anytime soon.

The Divinity of Purpose is bro-metal bliss. When Hatebreed stated in a press release that this album was "all pit, no shit" they were not fucking lying. This is the most crushing record they've done since Perseverance and contains pit-worthy anthem upon pit-worthy anthem. They had been straying from their blueprint a little bit on their past couple records with more melody and technicality. There are flashes of melody and experimentation on this record, but for the most part this album is Hatebreed going back to the strictly ignorant, straightforward hardcore sound of their first few records. The return to their heavier sound never seems inorganic or forced in any way.  Some hardcore bands that have been in the scene for a long time start phoning it over time: Hatebreed is not one of those bands. The anger and raw emotion/honesty in their music is as genuine as ever. Jamey Jasta still gives everything he's got to give from an energy, vocals, and lyrics standpoint. He is a truly special and dynamic frontman who's presence gives Hatebreed an edge over a majority of other hardcore bands.

The Divinity of Purpose is a savage release from Hatebreed. It's been a decade since they have done anything that consistently hits this hard. Each song is injected with honesty, energy, and relentless heaviness. It may be premature after only a few listens, but I would put this only behind Rise of Brutality in terms of quality in their discography. Hatebreed may be getting older, but they sure as hell aren't getting softer and The Divinity of Purpose spends 38 minutes beating that point senselessly into the listeners brain.

4/5 Stars
Standout Tracks
1.The Language
2.Dead Man Breathing
3.Honor Never Dies 

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