Saturday, May 29, 2010

Album Review: As I Lay Dying-The Powerless Rise

It has been 3 long years since As I Lay Dying released their last record An Ocean Between Us. That record showcased a new side of As I Lay Dying. Faster riffs, more precise vocals and just overall more complex music. The Powerless Rise builds on the sound introduced on An Ocean Between Us and takes it to the next level.
This album is such an impressive feat. I was pretty much floored once I listened to this album for first time. The thing that stood out to me the most on The Powerless Rise is the guitarwork. The riffs are spectacular. They range from slow and catchy to quick and face melting. The solos are just flat-out amazing. Guitarist Nick Hipa has really upped the ante from their previous works. From the thrash-influenced album standout "Without Conclusion" to the melodic soloing of "Vacancy" Hipa shows a range that he has not shown before. Tim Lambesis also adds a lot in the vocal department. Lambesis has quite the range and shows why he is without a doubt one of the best vocalist in the genre.
If there is any negative at all it would be that in certain parts of the album the clean vocals by bassist Josh Gilbert are a little bit whiny. On tracks such as "Paralells" and "Upside Down Kingdom" they take away a little bit from the song. For the most part Gilbert is great especially his vocal lines on "Anodyne Sea" and "Anger and Apathy".
As I Lay Dying proves with The Powerless Rise that they are one of metalcore's elite bands. They are always consistent and just make flat out great music. I know they are rather popular and have a lot of haters because of their faith. Get over their beliefs and they fact they are quite popular and just listen to the music. As I Lay Dying keeps hitting home runs with their records and this album is pretty much a lock for my Top 5 of the year.
4.5/5 Stars
Standout Tracks
1.Without Conclusion
2.The Plague
3.Anger and Apathy

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