Monday, September 17, 2012

5 Bands You Need To Know About That You Might Now About In The Current Metal Scene

Even though metal is a genre where bands breakout through word of mouth, there are bands that sometimes slip through the cracks and don't get the exposure they deserve. The 5 bands I've chosen for this piece are all relatively new bands that only have one or two releases to their names and really deserve to be the next big thing in the world of heavy metal. I hope everyone that reads this checks out or has already checked out  these bands and I will be so grateful if these bands gain fans from anything I post.

Cerebral Bore: Cerebral Bore is a brutal death metal band from Scotland. They are very much in the vein of old-school brutal death metal acts such as Dying Fetus (who they are touring with in the US before the end of the year) and Suffocation. Their debut record Manical Miscreation had all the staples of great brutal death metal: insane pig squealing, brutal yet catchy riffs, and just an all-around extremely heavy, evil sound. What makes Cerebral Bore that much better is their vocalist Simone Plujimeris. She can more than hang with most of her male counterparts, She is one of the better vocalists in the death metal scene right now. They got some exposure opening Summer Slaughter this year and I'm sure they will gain even more popularity after the aforementioned Dying Fetus tour (I couldn't think of a better band to pair them with, Dying Fetus fans are going to absolutely love them).  These guys and girl will continue to crush listeners for years to come and hopefully pick up a rabid fanbase along the way.

Havok: Havok is a thrash metal band from Colorado. If you are looking for the most underrated new thrash band, Look no further than Havok. They are the most seasoned and popular (that word is being used very loosely) band on this list with two full-lengths and two EP's under their belt, but unfortunately they still haven't broken out. Havok is arguably one of the most old-school sounding thrash bands. On last year's Time is Up, I found myself being transported to the glory days of Slayer at many points during the record. The standout track "Covering Fire" features a scream that mirrors Tom Araya's infamous scream at the beginning of "Angel of Death". The forefathers of thrash would be proud of Havok keeping the genre alive for the new generation.

Fallujah: Fallujah is a technical/progressive death metal band from California. No offense to the other bands on the list, but Fallujah is my favorite of the bunch. I can't think of the last time a debut album excited more than their 2011 debut The Harvest Wombs. I was in awe from the first notes of "Alpha Incident" to the outro of album closer "Assemblage of Wolves". Their style seamlessly blends ultra-fast technical death metal with really cool and perfectly executed progressive/atmospheric sections. This band is just full of brilliant songwriters and musicians. The Harvest Wombs features the maturity and chops of a band that has been doing for it years. I haven't been this excited about a band since I discovered The Faceless a few years ago (who ironically is also from California and who Fallujah has drawn many comparisons to). I can't wait to see what Fallujah does next, They are the next really special band in the world of metal.

Painted in Exile: Painted In Exile is an experimental metal band from New York. These guys are a extremely talented young band that is known by next to no one. The level of musical complexity they have at a such young age is staggering. Each and every one of their songs is a god damn roller coaster ride. They will come with some fast stuff, then go into a breakdown, then throw in some progressive soloing and even on occasion, straight-up jazz sections. Their sound is completely unpredictable and I'm hoping they release their first-full length album or at least some new material soon.

Son of Aurelius: Son of Aurelius is a progressive/technical death metal band. They are part of the crop of amazing progressive/tech death bands coming out of the Bay area of California. Just like Fallujah, their 2010 debut The Farthest Reaches showed they have a ton of chops and can play at inhuman speeds, but have a great knack for melody (most evident on their masterpiece "Facing the Gorgon"). The band is driven by ex-Animosity shredder Chase Fraser and the spastic and sinister vocals of Josh Miller. Both are amongst the best of what they do and their live show hammers that point home even further They are currently working on new material that should be out in the near future and I fully expect to be just as if not more badass than The Farthest Reaches.

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