Saturday, September 1, 2012

September In Film

September is the transitional month between summer and the beginning of the bigger Fall film. Even though the films aren't as big-budgeted, there are a lot of intriguing movies coming out this month. Last September brought four of my favorite movies of the year(Drive,Warrior, Moneyball, and my number 1 movie of 2011 50/50) and this year very well could repeat that trend. Here are my thoughts on the whole lot of September's movies.

Films I Want To See:
4.Trouble with the Curve (9/21)-The same weekend last year brought us Moneyball which focused on using computers to scout players and build a winning team on a small-market team. Trouble with the Curve takes a different approach by focusing on old-school scouting and it also marks Clint Eastwood's return to acting. The trailer is a little melodramatic, but with Eastwood, Amy Adams, and Justin Timberlake you can count me in.

3.End of Watch (9/21)-I am a sucker for gritty cop dramas and this looks to be a good one. It's got a great pair of leads in Jake Gylenhall and Michael Pena and writer/director David Ayer is responsible for Street Kings and more importantly one of all-time favorites Training Day, so it's definitely in the right hands. I'm excited to see if it stand up

2.Looper (9/28)-This has to be one of the most interesting concepts for a movie in quite some time. A time-traveling assassin movie starring one of my favorite rising actors in Joesph Gordon-Levitt and my all-time favorite actor Bruce Willis  Also throw in Rian Johnson as writer/director, who's first movie Brick is pretty much universally praised, and we could be looking at something truly amazing.

1.Dredd(9/21)-Dredd is the exactly the type of ultra-violent, stylized, action movie that I just eat up. I was already excited for this movie than I heard the really positive reception from Comic-Con and saw the red-band clip Lionsgate released and my excitement went through the roof. This has action-movie gold written all over it and I hope it can live up to the hype.

Film I'm not sure on:
The Words(9/7)-Bradley Cooper is a good actor and the concept is somewhat interesting, but at the same time based on the subject matter(stealing someone's manuscript for a book) it could end up being pretty dull. I'll definitely be waiting for DVD on this one.

The Master(9/14)-Paul Thomas Anderson is lauded by critics and arthouse filmgoers, but for as talented a filmmaker he is, his movies bore the shit out of me. This looks to be almost exactly like There Will Be Blood, it looks to very well-acted and made, but it looks boring as hell. Might see it eventually depending on the buzz, but I'm not too stoked on it at the moment.

Won't Back Down (9/28)-Haven't seen the trailer, but I read the synopsis and it could be alright. I'll wait and see the how the reception is.

Films I could care less about
Resident Evil: Retribution (9/14)-As much as I love the Resident Evil games, the movies do nothing for me. I feel like they are just a much-worse version of the Underworld franchise and this one (the fifth installment in the series) looks to be no different.

The House at the End of the Street (9/21)-Jennifer Lawrence doing her obligatory "great actress in shitty generic horror movie" role. This has to be one of the most generic looking, PG-13 rated horror movies in the past few years. No chance in hell I'm seeing this.

Hotel Transylvania (9/28)-Just simply not my bag for a kids movie. Despite having a solid cast including Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Steve Buscemi, Andy Samberg, and Molly Shannon, the trailer is pretty bad and it just doesn't look funny or interesting.

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