Wednesday, February 12, 2020


As always, January was a time to celebrate everything I loved from the previous year in movies and music. Now that the 2019 best of lists are finished, it's time to shift my focus to another long-term project. 

The 2020's are now upon us, which means there's a whole decade that just wrapped up that needs to be recapped (well it doesn't NEED to be, but I'm doing it anyways!) Over the next month or so, I'll be unveiling my 20 favorite movies and albums of the 2010's along with a couple of other TBD lists showcasing the pieces of art from the past decade that left the biggest impact on me. The first of these countdowns will start tomorrow with the unveiling of my first two picks for the top movies of the decade. I'm incredibly excited to begin working on these pieces and I hope you enjoy reading them.

Chris Maitland

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