Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Album Review:Incubus-If Not Now, When?

We waited five years for this shit?

Incubus has been one of my favorite non-metal bands of the past 10 years or so. I thought they had a very diverse sound and their first five records are fantastic. Their previous record, Light Grenades was the first time I was ever let down by an Incubus record, but at least it wasn't awful. If Not Now, When? is a gigantic letdown that could potentially be the demise of Incubus.

If Not Now, When? is the definition of a sell-out record. Incubus has always been extremely popular and their sound was always unique and interesting. I don't really know what they were trying to accomplish with this record. Incubus dumbs down their music to mind-numbing levels of simplicity. This is Incubus trying to sound like Coldplay (that's not a compliment). Gone are the catchy melodies, great songwriting, and edge Incubus had and they are replaced with them droning along through boring songs. These tracks are so dull and lifeless that I was fighting sleep throughout the entire record.  Incubus is normally great at ballads, but the ones here are really,really bad. It's as if Incubus lost their knack for writing ballads during their five-year hiatus. Brandon Boyd can still sing well, he just sounds really bored with the material. The only track that is even half-decent is "Adolescents" and even that sounds like a half-assed version of Incubus's former self.

If Not Now, When? is such a disappointment after all these years. I mean this is really the best Incubus could do after a five-year hiatus? This is a completely phoned in, tedious record. I really can't even believe this is an Incubus record due to it's completely unoriginal and lazy sound. I wouldn't recommend this record to anyone unless they were a Coldplay fan or suffered from sleep apnea (this record would cure that almost instantly). If Not Not, When? is one of the worst records of 2011 so far and one of the most, if not the most, disappointing.

1.5/5 Stars
Standout Track

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