Thursday, April 18, 2013

Movie Review: Trance

Do you like picking up the pieces of your brain at the end of a film? If you're the type of person who does, Trance will be right your alley.

Trance is a sufficiently trippy thriller with constant twists and turns that keeps the audience guessing until the very end. The plot centered around hypnosis makes for the perfect setting for a mind-bending thriller. You never know what's real and what's not because of the hypnotic state the protagonist Simon (the always excellent James McAvoy) is under for most of the film. Simon is put under hypnosis by an American hypnotist (Rosario Dawson, who gives the best performance of her career) in an attempt to locate a valuable painting he was in the process of stealing from the art gallery where he worked on an inside-job gone wrong that lead to Simon getting knocked unconscious with no relocation as to where the painting is. This film has an aura of mystery around it that is consistently enthralling even when the film gets a little bit too bogged- down in the middle with the complexity of the plot. Though the middle is a little bit overwhelming with all the different plot developments and scenes that blur the lines of reality, the final act more than makes up for it. Trance saves its best twist for last making the last twenty minutes or so absolutely brilliant. The ending couldn't have been more satisfying and it wraps up this challenging story on a perfect note. Trance is a elaborate and entertaining film that overcomes its flawed mid-section with an immensely satisfying ending, terrific performances from James McAvoy and Rosario Dawson and an appropriately stylized direction from Danny Boyle. Like Inception, this film take your mind on a psychological roller coaster and it's well-worth the ride if you're up for good ol' head trip.

4/5 Stars  

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