Friday, November 1, 2013

November in Film

November ushers in the fall/winter film season with a number of blockbusters, Oscar-contenders, family fare and a number of mid-budgeted films on the schedule to make for one of the most diverse months of the year. Here are my thoughts on all of November's wide releases.

Films I want to see:
6.Ender's Game (11/1): I haven't read the book and the trailers haven't blown me away, but there is enough talent in the cast and the premise is intriguing enough to get me to check this out.

5.Homefront (11/27):Jason Statham fights a bunch of drug dealers that kidnap his daughter led by James Franco? Sound like a good time at the movies.

4.Last Vegas (11/1): Look like the less crude, more sane geriatric version of The Hangover. The trailers are all pretty damn funny and seeing guys like Morgan Freeman and Michael Douglas do comedy for the first time in a long time is more than enough to get me to see it.

3.Oldboy (11/27): The remake of the highly-acclaimed Korean film is arguably the most bitched-about movie in film circles this year. Having not seen the original and being open-minded towards American adaptions of foreign films after the triumphs of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Let Me In, I'm very excited for Oldboy. Spike Lee has a great chance to return to form and the cast including Josh Brolin, Samuel L. Jackson and Elizabeth Olsen further bolsters its potential. 

2.The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (11/22):I thought the first Hunger Games film was just pretty good, but I'm really stoked about this installment. The trailers make it look epic and the addition of Phillip Seymour Hoffman to the cast is absolutely awesome. The odds are forever in this film's favor to improve on the first installment.

1.Thor: The Dark World (11/8): The next chapter in the Thor saga looks pretty insane as most of it's spent on Asgard opposed to Earth. The return of Tom Hiddleston as Loki in a hero role and an expanded role for Natalie Portman makes this sequel even more intriguing.
Films I'm not sure on:
The Book Thief (11/8 limited, 11/15 wide): I haven't seen the trailer, but I don't really enjoy films about the Holocaust so I'll probably avoid it.
Delivery Man (11/22): Looks a bit different than other recent Vince Vaughn films, which is certainly refreshing. However, the film doesn't really look all that funny. If the reception is good, I'll end up checking it out.

Films I have zero interest in:
Free Birds (11/1):Though the concept of Woody Harrelson as a talking-turkey is certainly amusing, I'm going to steer clear of this pretty horrible-looking kids film.

About Time (11/1 limited, 11/8 wide): I hated Love Actually and this look exactly like Love Actually with time-traveling.

The Best Man Holiday (11/15):I will fully admit this looks better than it sounds on-paper, but it still doesn't look enough for me to want to go out and see it.

Frozen (11/27): I'm not exactly the target audcience for a Disney princess movie.

Black Nativity (11/27): Ditto except replace Disney princess movie with African-American musical with strong religious undertones.

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