Saturday, May 19, 2012

Movie Review: The Avengers

I am going to try keep this short and sweet because chances are if you were interested in seeing The Avengers, you've already seen it at least once.

Marvel has been hyping up The Avengers for years now and rightfully so. It's the biggest alliance of superheroes there is and of course, it's going to be a spectacle watching all these heroes on the big screen at once. The Avengers 100% lives up to the years of massive hype. This was a film that was almost bound to be a letdown with all the buzz surrounding it since the first mention of it in the post-credit scene of the first Iron Man movie. The Avengers is one of the best pure comic-book movies ever. While darker superhero movies like The Dark Knight are excellent, The Avengers succeeds more as a comic-book film than The Dark Knight did. It's just pure fun and entertainment held together by a pretty good story and embracing the corniness of the source material. The humor was also a big plus. In an age where superhero films are becoming darker and darker, it was refreshing to see one where humor was so prominent and for the most part, pretty damn funny. What was a little bit strange about The Avengers was it didn't really fully hit it's stride until the final act. Don't get me wrong, it's very good throughout, but it does become full-on amazing until the last third of the film. It was just really awesome to see all of these heroes on the screen kicking ass together. All of the heroes are split up evenly in screen time. No one takes center stage, which is great. The Avengers is about the group, not the individuals, and Joss Whedon knew that and did a great job of balancing the characters. The Avengers is a must-see for fans of superheroes. Joss Whedon has done the nerds of the world proud and I hope he returns for the sequel.

4.5/5 Stars

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