Monday, August 1, 2011

August In Film

August is here already and in the film world that means the end of the summer movie season. August tends to bring a couple of major blockbusters and a lot of mid-range films and this August is no exception. Here are my thoughts on the upcoming crop of August films.

Films I Want To See:

2.The Change-Up (8/5)-A lot of people think this looks like shit, but I have to disagree. I think this looks very funny. Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds make a good pairing and they are both funny dudes. David Dobkin being on board as the director is another promising sign. I don't know if I will see this in the theater, but I am still excited to see it.

1.30 Minutes Or Less (8/12)- Where to start with why I want to see 30 Minutes Or Less? The cast is completely outstanding. Jesse Eisenberg, Danny McBride, Aziz Anzari, and Nick Swardson IN THE SAME MOVIE!!! That's just flat-out awesome. The trailers (especially the red band ones) are comic gold. The director, Ruben Fisecher, is also excellent. I am expecting big things from this and it could end up being the funniest film of 2011.

Films I Am Not Sure About:

Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes(8/5)- This could go either way. It's either going to be really good or it's going to be a pile of shit. The trailers don't really help me form a view either. We'll have to wait and see how this pans out.

Conan(8/19)-This was in the "Films I Have No Interest In Seeing" section until I saw the red-band trailer. I am still not completely sold, but the red-band trailer looks promising.

Colombiana(8/26)-Luc Besson's presence on the script is good, but the trailers make this out to be nothing special.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark(8/26)-The trailer pulled off the rare feat of making me jump. That being said, Gullmero Del Toro's horror films have a bad track record with me despite their critical accliam. The early reception has been mixed, which is not a great sign. I am still curious to see this film to see if it can deliver some actual scares.

Our Idiot Brother(8/26)-I love Paul Rudd, but this movie looks too hipster for my tastes. Hopefully it's not, but i'm not crossing my fingers.

Films I have zero interest in seeing (but will anyways due to my goal for 2011 films)

The Help(8/10)-This looks extremely generic and dull. There has been far too many films like this in the past and this looks like it's not going to bring anything remotely fresh to the table.

Final Destination 5(8/12)-Can they seriously stop making these? The first two were so fucking bad and I can imagine they have only gotten worse over time. This one looks to be the most unimginative one yet (and that's saying something.)

Glee: The 3D Concert Movie(8/12)-I am making an exception for my goal for 2011 films, I can't bring myself to watch this movie. I loathe Glee with a passion.

Fright Night(8/19)-This looks completely horrible. The trailer is laughable in the parts where it's trying to be serious and unfunny in the parts where it's trying to be funny. It looks like a jumbled horror/comedy mess.

One Day(8/19)-Yawn, another generic romantic drama. Pass.

Spy Kids: All The Time In The World(8/19)-Robert Rodriguez, I beg you to start work on Sin City 2. I honestly can't believe they made another Spy Kids movie. The first one wasn't bad, but the following two....

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