Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Album Review: Miss May I-Monument

As the summer is winding down I have a lot of free time on my hands. When I am bored I like to download new albums from bands I haven't listened to much to give them a chance. This is how I came across Miss May I's new record Monument.
Miss May I has really emerged in the scene over the past year earning spots on a quite few tours and I had a heard a couple of tracks off of last years "Apologies Are For The Weak" that I liked but besides that I knew pretty much nothing about Miss May I's music.
Monument is a pretty good release. The intro riffs on pretty much all of the songs are good. I feel like a lot of bands in this genre don't really try anything with intros and Miss May I is the opposite their most ambitious moments come in the intro of their songs. Another thing about Monument that I am a fan of is the clean vocals. They aren't whiney and Ryan Neff can actually sing pretty well.
In all honesty Monument really doesn't have a bad song on the album. Despite there not being a bad song on the record very few are above decent. A couple of the longer tracks(longer might be pushing it their is only 3 4+ minute songs on the whole album) "Masses Of A Dying Breed" and "We Are The Fallen" kind of drag on. The songs that click though really click such as "Relentless Chaos" and "Creations". These songs show the potential that Miss May I has as a band.
Monument is by no means a bad record but I feel like Miss May I could do better. Some of the songs are a bit generic at points but there are other moments where they rise above that. They seem like a band that isn't challenging themselves as musicians when they show on some tracks they have the talent to do so. Miss May I has potential for sure and I look forward to their next release.
3/5 Stars
Standout Tracks
2.Relentless Chaos

1 comment:

  1. Ha, nice. I'm not going to listen to this album because I heard Relentless Chaos and they're just definitely not my taste, but I graduated with these dudes. Their lead vocalist Levi is one of the nicest guys ever and I'm proud to call him a friend. Very happy to see them doing well and glad you can dig their sound.
